Glasswork Garden

As you make your way through the neon-lit maze of the city backstreets, electric rhythms fading from your ears, you stumble upon a secluded garden in unaturally pristine shape. The roses sparkle like rubies, the tulips as clear as rainwater, the crocuses appear made of amythest, and the stretch of asters shine like a billboard. How this place has survived is a miracle. Someone must be tending to it. It's an altogether lovely place. Perhaps you can pretend to see the stars from here.

Hi, I'm Flourish, and this site serves as a place for me to collate my interests, occasionally some writings, and is a place for me to tend to and grow. While you're here, enjoy the garden, have a good time, and watch out for beasts.

CONSTRUCTION NOTE: This site is very much still under development. Despite the prior warning, the only other page right now is the beast page. So if you want to see some beasts, click there. Thanks for visiting!